
About Us

Why Choose OteK?

  • Many IT Services and Solutions
  • Worked On Lots Of Projects
  • Premium Support
  • Experts In The Field
  • Amazing Team
Many Clients
We have countless satisfied customers. And more of them to come.
Continuous Work
Many of our clients depend on us to continually provide support for them.

Meet Our Management Team

Get to know the talented individuals who power OteK.


أسامة نعمان

مؤسس ومدير مباشر

ايمن نعمان

الرئيس التقني
kamal H. Alhamdani

Kamal H. Alhamdani

Founder and CEO

Who We Are

OteK is a small company that includes professionals specialized in many fields of IT services. We are committed to delivering various IT services which include Web developments, mobile development, networking and more. Our number one priority is customer satisfaction. We tend to go out of our way to cater to every need when it comes to our clients. We are also certain that our delivered service will be conducted with the highest of standards. Our wide variety of IT services and after sale maintenance require us to be always available to be of help whenever needed. It’s our belief that we can provide you with the best possible solutions because we make sure that you will be completely satisfied of what we promise to provide.

شركة برمجيات
Our Vision
To be number one leader company in the industry of IT Services in Yemen and also to be recognized internationally
Our Mission
Providing upscale and reliable apps, websites and solutions for firms and businesses to facilitate their IT needs.

Why Choose OteK?

Here are the reasons you can depend on OteK solutions to keep your business up and running.

تصميم مواقع الكترونيه
We Offer a Range of Services Committed to Quality

We have the great team-work, a solid commitment, good communication, and we comply with industry best practices to serve your business in an excellent manner.

Our Services
شركات تصميم المواقع
We have Worked On Many Projects Covering a Wide Spectrum of Skills and Experience

We have got experienced specialists for all services and solutions OteK provide that guarantee your business success.

Our Projects
افضل شركة تصميم مواقع
Our support team will take care of all of your inquiries with a fast response time.

After-sale support and maintenance are services that we care about, because the clients depend on us for continuous improvements and expansions.

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Who We Worked With

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موقع البنك المركزي
وزارة التجارة
وزارة الصحة العامة
شركة النفط
موقع جروث
شركة اليمن للتمويل الاصغر
موقع مور
موقع ليو
موقع لقمان
موقع سيكور وي
موقع دكتوري
موقع يمن ارت
موقع يمن هاوس
موقع يوترن
موقع اللورد للمقاولات والخدمات النفطية
مؤسسة البشر
موقع صيدلية اهل المدينة
موقع توب تك
موقع خروفي
موقع ايفا
موقع جو ماكس
موقع اياتو
Yemen Peace School
Yemen Reads Foundation
Ghadah For Makeup
Efficiency Engineering and Trading
ATHEEL Trading Corp.
موقع برايت
موقع ريسونيت يمن
موقع اورا
عالم سمسم
موقع بقالتي
موقع جوودز ستور
متجر ار اس أي
تطبيق السوق الإلكتروني اليمني
تطبيق بصمة الاتحاد للإعلان والتسويق
تطبيق الخير الوان
تطبيق نور ستور
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Our Statistics

Through the several years we have been in Yemen IT markets, OteK has surpassed many milestones.

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